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What Will They Teach My Child At A Lutheran School ?

Lutheran schools are known for their academic quality and for their ability to aid moral development.  They are religious schools which include daily teaching about religion and integrate religious beliefs into everything they teach.  Many parents of children in Lutheran schools or who are considering enrolling their child wonder, “What will they teach my child at a Lutheran school about religions?”


Lutheran schools exist to teach what Lutherans believe.  They believe:

✞That the Bible is the source and basis for their beliefs (2 Timothy 3:15-17)

✞That all people and all faiths are to be shown respect (Matthew 22:39)

✞That only though faith in Jesus Christ can people be saved (John 3:16)


Lutheran schools teach about God.  God is:

✞The Almighty, loving Creator of everything and everyone (Genesis 1:1)

✞One God, but three equal persons (Triune God) (Matthew 28:19)

✞A judge who requires us to fulfill His law perfectly (James 2:10)

✞A Savior who died for our sins and arose from the dead (2 Timothy 1:10)

✞A Sanctifier who gives us faith through His Word and sacraments                 (1 Corinthians 6:11)

✞The author of the Bible who inspired men to write every Word, the Bible   (2 Timothy 3:16)

✞Described in His true, errorless, unchanging Word, the Bible (John 17:17)

✞Love. He loves all people perfectly, in spite of how they may act (1 John 4:8)


Lutheran schools teach about people.  People are:

✞Created individually and specially by God (Psalm 139:13)

✞Loved always and completely by God (John 3:16)

✞Required by God to obey His law perfectly (Matthew 5:48)

✞Unable to obey God perfectly…everyone sins (Ecclesiastes 7:20)

✞Saved from hell by Christ’s sacrifice (Galatians 3:13)

✞Unable to earn God’s favor or forgiveness (Ephesians 2:8-9)

✞Brought to saving faith by the Holy Spirit and given Eternal life in Heaven    (1 Corinthians 6:11)

✞Condemned to eternal suffering if they do not have faith in Christ     (Romans 6:23)

✞Given forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Baptism/Lord’s Supper (Acts 22:16, Luke 22:19-20)

✞Motivated by God’s love to love all other people and serve God              (John 14:23)

✞Eager to share the good news of the Gospel of God’s great love for all   (Acts 4:20)